Novkovic Davies is created by Jovanka Novkovic Davies, handbag designer and founder of the Bag Blag Blog. A former luxury handbag buyer with over 20 years fashion industry experience and a career in handbags that spans buying, selling, designing, teaching and writing, a lifetime love!
All of our bags are made by artisans in accredited factories. We use the finest materials and our makers are paid fairly for the work that they do, helping us to keep traditional leather and sewing techniques alive.
We create beautifully designed, well priced, quality handbags. You won’t find our products in department stores or boutiques, removing the need for their additional mark-up on the price. We pass that saving on to you.
..... and for those wanting more, our bag blag blog is and appreciation of handbags, from catwalk to vintage. For fashion lovers and handbag enthusiasts everywhere!
Contact Us
For PR, business and collaboration enquiries please email contact@novkovicdavies.com